1 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
10 spears chopped asparagus
1 egg
2 egg whites
1/4 cup fat free shsredded cheddar cheese
fresh rosemary
heat the oil in a small saute pan, add the veggies, and cook until the onions and mushrooms are soft, and asparagus is cooked through. Remove from heat, removed veggies from pan and wipe out the pan. Wisk together the egg and egg whites, add to the heated pan, sprinkle fresh rosemary into the egg mixture, season with salt and pepper. Flip the egg once in the pan. add some of the veggies as filling, top with the cheese. fold the egg over to create the omelet.
Serve with remaining veggie filling on the side. 250 calories of good morning protein and veggie bliss.
Much love,
Alisha xoxoxo
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